Tuesday 11 October 2011

Definition of a thriller

The definition of a thriller relates to the key elements that are involved to make the film a thriller. Such as suspense, setting, weapons, camera shots, angles etc. All of these elements work together in certain ways, which makes it clear to the audience to distinguish that they are watching a thriller by giving the audience the thrill and suspense that they are waiting for, as this is always expected in a thriller film. Thriller is a wide sub-based genre and can be split into many categories, such as action thrillers, physiological thrillers, supernatural thrillers, spy thriller, etc. However, all of these sub-genres use the same key elements to relate to the "typical thriller film". What i expect from a thriller is somebody who gets themselves into a situation and cannot control it, this is then followed by shootouts, murders, revenge etc. This also includes flashing lights, dark scenes, quiet suspense music, and then loud heavy shootouts. I also think that it is easy to separate thrillers from any other film genre because of the key elements. For example, in a horror we expect a lot of fast music and a lot of blood and gore, differently to a thriller, we expect a lot of suspense and we have to wait until any real action happens, its almost like teasing. Whereas to a horror, its very quick and over with.

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